How to make soft chapati or roti or phulka?

4 min read
By Ruchi
How to make soft chapati or roti or phulka?

Everyone cooks chapati in India on daily basis especially in northern India. It's a dialy life task and part of every women there. Making good chapatis is big task and that too soft chapatis. Making soft and round chaptis is a dream for many girls and a big challenge too.

To serve pretty fulkas or chapatis in daily routine is out of reach for many people in their families specially when it comes to joint families where elders demand a perfect fulka hot and soft that too served on time.

To solve this problem here is the recipe of chapati or roti a daily life food from every north Indian specially. This recipe includes everyting needed to do to make soft and tasty rotis.

There are some tips too to make chapati or roti prefect.


  • Wheat flour
  • Water
  • Ghee or oil optional
  • Salt


  1. Take a high-hipped platter(paraat) sieve wheat flour( required amount).
  2. Now add salt as per taste or even you can avoid salt but it will make the floor sticky initially( which really doesnot affect our end product in looks and softness).
  3. If you want to add ghee or butter add one or two teaspoon ghee and mix well the flour.
  4. Take water in a bowl. Now make a spiral well in the flour and pour some water in it.
  5. Mix water with flour so that water gets fully absorbed in the flour giving some dough and put this partly made dough separately in the paraat only.
  6. Repeat until whole flour gets wet with water and absorb water, we got dough with a tight consistency.
  7. Now the dough is not well knead but yes wet and tight. So add all parts of lour to each other and mix and knead.
  8. This is not so soft so knead it either by adding some more water if it's hard to knead or by taking water in hands making hands wet enough to knead dough spreading in the paraat and folding.
  9. Spread and fold the dough in the paraat by wet hands again and again simultaneously wetting hand in the water bowl.
  10. If the dough feels soft and there is no dry flour in this dough stop taking water and knead again.
  11. Knead th dough properly for five minutes and put aside by applying a water layer over it for five minutes.
  12. Now take the dough and knead again for once or twice.
  13. Take a pan or tawa and put it on gas burner.
  14. Pinch a small ball size amount from dough and roll in palms making it round and then flat making a loi.
  15. Take a rolling board and rolling pin, put the loi over rolling board dusting some flour in it and roll the loi with the help of rolling pin in round shape chapati.
  16. Make sure chapati is not too thick at any part or too thin at any part as in case of too thick it can be left uncooked and in case of too thin it will become too crispy or burnt even.
  17. Now put the chapati on the tawa which in my opinion becomes hot enough for a chapati to be cooked.
  18. Take another small sized ball amount from the dough and doing this all again while taking care of earlier chapati.
  19. Turn the chapati on its back when the color of dough become darker then it's original color and you can see some brown spots when it is turned.
  20. In next some seconds this chapati will become same on the flipped side too so take it off from he tawa and cook on the gas flame for some seconds so that it is well cooked.
  21. While doing this just keep in mind that to make soft chapati cook for more time on the second flipped time.
  22. Hot and soft chapati is ready. Apply ghee to the chapati when it is hot.


  • Add ghee to the flour if you donot have enough time to knead and leave dough for some time.
  • Add salt so that dough will not be sticky.
  • If the dough is too tight add some water or knead it more with watery hands.
  • If the dough is too wet knead more and more it will be ok atlast. But it is not getting correctly knead add more flour and knead more.
  • Kneading is the key for soft and easily cooking chapatis. Little efforts in starting is better than bad end reault and hard work in fornt of heat whole time.
  • Donot take too much flour while rolling the chapati as this make chapatis hard and will give a taste of flour too while eating.
  • Making round chapatis is not so easy but practice makes everyone perfect so try and try again. As a beginner try by rolling once and turn to diagonal side and repeat until get a round shape.
  • Adding ghee to hot chapatis make them more soft and not so hard later too.